I will not speak accurately of Music Appreciation in School, but of
Musical Education in the Schools.

In Brazil we have an ambiguous relation with Music in the Schools.
Until the decade of 40 of the 20th century, we had little concern until
the arrival of the dictatorship of Vargas (30-45).  At this time was
introduced by Villa-Lobos the CANTO ORFEONICO (Orphean Sing), that
consisted of intense training choral with children and adolescents.
The hymns were patriotic, Classical Choral or arrangements of folk tunes.
This effectively introduced a good taste, besides showing a rich musical
panorama, not only of the Brazilian, but international culture, until
the Classical Music.  In period 46-64 (Democratic Age) and in the beginning
of the Militar Dictatorship (64-70), music continued in the schools as
official matter, but only as HEARING and commentaries.  The practical
was null.  Sometimes there was formed Chorals for patriotic, religious
or diverse festive events.  In the Black Years of Militar Dictatorship
(70-84), the Music was banished of the Schools.  In the recent democracy
(from 84 until present), only the Particular Schools had come back with
Music, having introduced some methods (Orff, Kodaly, Dalcroze etc.) to
the children play, but had not developed the Musical Appreciation.

Conclusion: the Brazilian people is deaf, although that has a very rich
folklore, a creative pop music and excellent Classical composers (Carlos
Gomes, Villa Lobos, Camargo Guarnieri, Almeida Prado, Marlos Nobre, Jorge
Antunes, Claudio Santoro, Edino Krieger etc.).

Edson Ortolan
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