I have a few beekeepers that come here yearly for hands-on
learning, for making own beeswax foundation that I have
done for over two decades now, be if press plates for
slam-shut types, or running impression plates thru mangles,
or learning how to emboss through rollers. 

For making blank wax sheets you simply use plain water for
release agent. Then with working with any of the above,
again, I simply use plain water (not treated tap water)
that can be boughten in a store like for putting in
car/truck batteries. I then add a few drops lemon oil and
few drops bio-degradeable phosphate free liquid soap to get
as few bubbles as possible. The smaller the amount the
better. Then I simply sponge it on, with to me the sponge
being a key part for application uniformly.With hand
embossing rollers I also use baggies to do away with fudge
factor and the hot freshly made wax sheets the better. For
tearing by the way, I add propolis to the wax mix for
ductility and strength. 


Dee A. Lusby
Small Cell Commercial Beekeeper
Moyza, Arizona

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