
The December 2006 Newsletter is now available online at:

In December's newsletter, we feature articles and essays by Jerome 
Handler, Marsha Robinson, Madia Thomson, Daniel McNeil, Sarah Croucher, 
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Lisette Roura Alvarez, Alicia B. Valentino, and 
Jillian E. Galle, an excerpt from Zora Neale Hurston, news reports, 
conference announcements, calls for papers, and book reviews. A table of 
contents is set out below. 

Please contact me if you have essays, articles, analysis papers, book 
reviews, project reports, announcements, or news updates that you'd like 
to contribute to the African Diaspora Archaeology Network and Newsletter. 
The newsletter is published quarterly, in March, June, September, and 
December, and has an expanding readership of over 2000 per issue.


December Newsletter

** Articles, Essays, and Reports **

On the Transportation of Material Goods by Enslaved Africans During the 
Middle Passage: Preliminary Findings from Documentary Sources, by Jerome 
S. Handler

From Microscope to the Marriage Contract of Castile's Trastamara Dynasts 
Isabel and Fernando: Evidence of African Berber and Germanic Cultural 
Fusion, by Marsha Robinson

Tikettin yat familia/Once upon a Family: Family Origins and Slave 
Histories in Southern Morocco, by Madia Thomson

American Demands, African Treasures, Mixed Possibilities, by Daniel McNeil

Slave Routes in Western Tanzania: A Preliminary Report on Survey in Tabora 
and Ujiji, by Sarah Croucher and Stephanie Wynne-Jones

From Huts to Barracons in Nineteenth-Century Cuba Plantations, by Lisette 
Roura Alvarez

Dissertation Abstract: The Dynamics of Industry as Seen from Van Winkle's 
Mill, Arkansas, by Alicia B. Valentino

Dissertation Abstract: Archaeological Evidence for Costly Signaling in the 
18th-Century Chesapeake, by Jillian E. Galle

Seventy Years Ago in Jamaica, excerpt from Zora Neale Hurston

** News and Announcements **

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, by U.N. Secretary-General

Caribbean Grave Site Illuminates Slavery, by Mat Probasco

Libraries in the Sand Reveal Africa's Academic Past, by Nick Tattersall

In Search of Skeletons, by Elizabeth Redden

Museum Developments in 2006

Archaeological Field School at Elmina, Ghana

Field School in Historical Archaeology at Falmouth, Jamaica

New Journal of African and Black Diaspora Studies

New Books: Cloth in West African History; Women and Religion in the 
African Diaspora; Archaeology, Language, and the African Past; Crossing 
Waters, Crossing Worlds

** Conferences and Calls for Papers **

Society for Historical Archaeology 2007 Conference

ASWAD Fourth Conference, 2007

Journal of Pan African Studies Special Issue

Revisiting the Olaudah Equiano Legacy

Caribbean Studies Association 32nd Annual Conference

Commemorating Abolition of the Atlantic Slave Trade

** Book Reviews **

Editor's Note on Book Reviews

Review of Reversing Sail: A History of the African Diaspora, by Ty M. Reese

Review of Murder at Montpelier: Igbo Africans in Virginia, by Gloria Chuku

Review of Africa and the Americas: Interconnections during the Slave 
Trade, by Jelmer Vos

Christopher C. Fennell
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
109 Davenport Hall, MC-148, 607 S. Mathews Ave.
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801
phone: (217) 244-7309 fax: (217) 244-3490