Jon Gallantly put it:

>The interesting question, to me, is how the corporate way of doing things
>somehow takes over supposedly non-corporate entities.  Is it like a
>computer virus?

Would that it were, so we could just apply some virus eradication tools.
Do we need to reboot?

As Jon gnomes, probably all too well, the corporators have also taken
over public universities.  Fine arts get puny funding, and this is not
unrelated to the topic at hand.  Music programs, philosophy departments,
foreign languages - - if these are not disappearing altogether from many
schools, their professors are paid miserably low wages relative to the
Bidness Faculty, who often make two to three times their salaries.  Never
mind the salaries of the administrators, who now run most of the show
(they allow faculty senates to exist, that they might do their venting
behind closed doors).  And who is to blame?  I think that we all are,
and in particular the original keepers of the flames themselves, who
have allowed, even encouraged the corporate corps to do the work of
running things.  And so they did.

Rick, needing more coffee.