Lloyd Spear wrote:
> If one gets Goldenrod early in season, before Aster starts blooming, the
> honey is very light and does not granulate faster than most.  But once 
> Aster
> is mixed in, the honey will granulate within a week of being 
> extracted!  At
> least one company takes maximum advantage of this, see
> www.reallyrawhoney.com.  
My fall honey is a mix of the two with some honeydew occasionally thrown 
in (and some leftover loosestrife). It is a delicious dark honey but not 
the best for bees to overwinter on. With the mix, I find it granulates 
more slowly with added honeydew. More honeydew, slower granulation.

I can see why they would ask for a premium price since it is an 
excellent honey. All the honey I keep for my family is the fall honey. I 
sell the summer honey to friends.

We have large stands of aster in our backyard fields. Pretty flower and 
the bees love it.

I have posted this before, but for those who are new- I would assist a 
beekeeper friend at a fair and offer tastes of his different honeys. I 
would tell each person that I could tell which honey they would like the 
best.  Almost always the young preferred summer or light honey and the 
older preferred dark honey. The ones in the middle would go light if 
they did not use honey while those that used it would like the dark.

It is all in the flavor. The kids like sweet with little flavor while 
the older folk wanted the flavor.

Bill Truesdell
Bath, Maine

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