George Marshall writes:

>"This week's Composer", daily on Radio 3, is George Lloyd.  I know next
>to nothing about Lloyd except that he always seems to have been very
>popular and totally neglected both at the same time.
>Has anyone any views on his music?

Only a brief and unscholarly observation: try Kathryn Stott's recording
for Albany of his 4th Piano Concerto, with the composer conducting the
LSO.  The last movement features a fairly brief section of saccharine
sentimentality which is well over the top, but if you can forgive this
as a momentary indiscretion you may well enjoy the piece which is lively
and filled with good tunes.  I believe that Lloyd did not write this for
her, although she has been the dedicatee of numerous British PCs, but
he did choose her to give it the premiere and to record it.

Jane Erb
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