Andrew O'Hehir of Salon's online magazine has a review of this movie
(mentioned recently by Janos Gereben), at

Despite its many flaws, he does have some positive things to say about
the film, not least of which is the use of Haitink's performance of the
9th Symphony with the Concertgebouw.

The link to the review is here (note that you may need to view an
advertisement to get there, and that one of the other movies reviewed
consists of a single, vulgar F word):

Perhaps a pithier sentence that sums up his review is to be found in
the comments/letters to the column: "It's such a mixed bag, this movie.
The more I think about it the more flawed and intellectually limited it
appears.  But as a visual, sensory experience, it's quite something."--
Andrew O'Hehir

Bill H.