Palisades Virtuosi Presents Virtuosi Classics Concert on November 26
in Cresskill, New Jersey

Ridgewood, NJ - The critically-acclaimed Palisades Virtuosi will
present "Virtuosi Classics", a program of chamber masterworks on
Sunday, November 26 - 5:00 p.m. at the Cresskill Congregational
United Church of Christ, 85 Union Avenue in Cresskill, New Jersey.

This concert will feature Virtuosi repertoire, including Maria
Grenfell's Poems of a Bright Moon for flute, clarinet, piano, Caspar
Kummer's Concertino in C Major, Opus 101, Godfrey Schroth's
Variations on an Appalachian Carol (2003 - commissioned by Palisades
Virtuosi and recorded for Volume One of their New American Masters CD
series) and Camille Saint-Saens' Tarantella for flute, clarinet &
piano (recorded for the ensemble's debut Palisades Virtuosi in
Recital CD). Every concert by the Palisades Virtuosi includes a work
commissioned by the ensemble.

The November 26 concert is free and open to the public, however a
donation is requested. For more information, please call 201-568-0608.

The Palisades Virtuosi, consisting of flutist Margaret Swinchoski,
clarinetist Donald Mokrynski and pianist Ron Levy, is a 501 (c)(3)
organization that was established to promote and enrich the
repertoire for flute, clarinet and piano and present concerts that
include existing and newly-commissioned repertoire for this
configuration, supplemented by solos, duos and larger works featuring
guest artists. Volume One of their New American Masters CD series has
been released by Albany Records. Visit the Virtuosi online at

For more information about the Palisades Virtuosi, contact Jeffrey
James Arts Consulting at 516-586-3433 or [log in to unmask]

Jeffrey James Arts Consulting