Dear all:

I am confused about why advocating for our profession to have a broad scope of practice would 
be labeled by one of our members as "unprofessional".  My husband is a clinical psychologist.  The 
American Psychological Association routinely advocates quite vociferously for their scope of wor
k to be broadly defined.  This has ensured that clinical psychologists and social workers have 
more autonomy in their practice and can bill directly to insurance.   Apparently, one of the 
liscening boards in one state had tried to restrict the practice of psychologists 
and therapists.  The APA managed to lobby hard enough that the licensing board backed down.  
Should we assume that the APA is unprofessional because pscyhologists and social workers are 
not "medical" enough to question whether or not they should have a broad scope of practice?  I'm 
sure my husband is quite grateful to those who advocated for his ability to practice unfettered by
 restrictions on his ability to provide evidence from his scientific background.  In addition, he is 
considered an autonomous professional that may talk to his colleagues in a related profession, 
psychiatrists in an adult manner.  That means that he is able to discuss his opinions and diagree 
with psychiatrists in the manner in which any professional is able to disagree and hold differing 

Professional MEANS that we do interact collaboratively and do question when we feel the evidence 
and sometimes our experience substantiates our opinion.  Even a nonprofessional has the right to 
question the "expert" and expect a reasonable explanation and dialogue.

Best regards, 

Susan E. Burger, MHS, PhD, IBCLC (at least for now)


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