>>I OA trickled my over wintering nucs. I killed nearly 
70% doing so. I don't think they had a cleansing flight afterward...

My casual observation is that the hives come through better if they 
are in a loose cluster or can break it for some flying.  It's best to 
treat just before the last bees emerge - the treatment period will 
cover when the last bees emerge.

>>I guess the first site has links to tests done in 
Switzerland, but they are in German. Waldemar, do you read German?

Not fluently but you can request a link to the English-language site 
from Anton Imdorf at the Swiss Bee Research Lab at 
[log in to unmask]  I have a print-out somewhere but would 
have to look for it.  Russians used OA and other acid treatments for 
varroa as long as some 20 or 30 years ago.

Long Island, NY

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