(1) I'm Jennifer Palmer, currently working on a project for a CRM company in 
western NY (rain day...thank god for internet in the hotel!).  I've been 
working as a field tech, crew chief, field director, and architectural 
historian wannabe in CRM for the past 12 years, with projects in PA, NY, NJ, 
DE, WV, SC, LA, FL, and AZ.  I've mostly been a lurker on HISTARCH and a few 
other e-lists, though I've learned quite a lot by lurking over the years.  
My interests include the archaeology of infrastructure (incl. 
transportation), industrial archaeology, and historic preservation.  I'm 
also the webmaster of archaeologyfieldwork.com.

(2) My dirtiest moment in the field, hands down, occured while excavating 
human remains that hadn't entirely decomposed... 'nuff said.

(3) As far as archaeology field wear goes...  I've seen a lot of people over 
the years vying for the Indiana Jones look... But I prefer a good pair of 
Cabela's Outfitter boots, any kind of pants with a lot of pockets (and the 
trusty leatherman hanging from the belt), and a plain 'ol baseball cap (I 
like wide-brimmed hats, but they seem to get knocked off my head walking 
amongst branches during survey).  Most of the shirts I've worn over the 
years haven't held up very long to field abuse, but I'm a little partial to 
shirts made my Ex Officio and Cabela's.

Jennifer Palmer

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