>>I didn't find that Buckfast bees...Texas strain...was very 
resistant to Chalk.

Forgive my bias but I won't order a queen from Texas, or some of the 
other southern states, due to the presence of AHB there.  Especially, 
since this queen is needed for a nature center that gets many 

>>I wouldn't use either of these stocks, but would buy a hygienic 
Carniolan strain.

Can you recommend a source?  Has anyone used NWCs from Strachan and 
found them to clean up chalkbrood?

>>Or perhaps a Russian queen from Francois Petit in Ontario, Canada. 
They are selected for being hygienic. You can find him at:

I'll check them out.  I'll also check with Purvis Brothers about 
their bees' ability to clean up chalkbrood.


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