John Smyth wrote: 

>> ...  Lyritas are hard to find in the US and can be
>>relatively expensive, from $10 and up.

Karl responded:

>Keeping part of my post to things classical...for me, it is interesting
>to see what gets reissued on CD and what does not.  I was thinking of
>some Victors like the Ginastera by Leinsdorf and many of those Lyritas
>that have never made their way to CD.

There may be something contractual involved with the Lyritas.  I'm not
sure, but I've heard odd things over the years about this.

>...  On the other hand, I remain amazed at how well many of those discs
>sound once they are cleaned up.

And on really good turntables and cartridges.

Roger Hecht