Donald Satz wrote:

>I think that the answer depends on whether we are looking at the
>traditional sources or the newer ones.  The traditional sources of radio,
>tv, newspapers and record stores are clearly drying up.  However, here
>comes the Internet.  For many folks of the younger generation, those
>traditional sources mean very little.  They use the Internet for buying
>cds, downloading music, and reading more about classical music than can
>be found in a typical library.
>Personally, I rely on both the Internet and traditional sources, finding
>myself quite satisfied with this mix.  Let's face it - classical music
>will always be a specialist category.  Fortunately, the Internet is an
>amazing place for specialist needs.

I wonder about that...yet, I recall when there was enough interest for
local radio to offer classical music, local record stores to have classical
music in stock.  I think of the city in which I live, Austin Texas. Even
before my time there was an Austin Symphony and a University Symphony.
The current season of the Austin Symphony does not include any more
concerts that it did 50 years ago...yet the size of Austin...well it has
grown like crazy.  We now have an opera company that offers three
productions a year...yet they are substantially in debt.

Yes, I too rely on the internet.  For me it seems that the internet has
improved the economies of scale to the point that classical music can
survive at least on some level.

I guess I just don't "know" and only have my "feelings" about things.
