Calling all Lactnetters anywhere near Germany!!!  My daughter Miranda lives 
in Jena (former East Germany) about 3 hours northeast of Frankfurt.  She is 
pregnant with her first child, due July 4th (so she's at 32 weeks).  She is 
currently in the hospital because she has been having very long (10-20 
minutes duration), very painful contractions for several days.  Her uterus 
gets rock hard for 10-20 minutes at a time.  They have her on magnesium and 
pain medication and the contractions have calmed down a lot.  She is worried 
because they said if the baby is born early, it will have to go to a NICU on 
the other side of Jena, and stay there until it weighs 2500 grams, which 
might be 2-3 weeks.  Current estimate in 2000 grams.  She doesn't want the 
baby to have formula, but feels like she will not be able to prevent the 
baby being given formula if she is not there, and the NICU hospital doesn't 
have any place for her to stay.  Miranda speaks very good German, but her 
husband does not, and she says the doctors and nurses are very authoritarian 
and not good at sharing information or discussing options with her.

So, if there are any LCs or LLL folks anywhere near Jena, Germany, who would 
be willing to run interference at the NICU should it become necessary, to 
prevent the baby from getting any formula. . . . please let me know.  I am 
flying over on May 25th.

Please write back by private email, as I am nomail on LactNet for now.  
Thank you everyone.

Kathy Dettwyler


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