Dr Meniketti,  I am interested in participating in your symposium. I am a PhD student at the University of South Florida in the applied program. I am doing my dissertation on the Caribbean and inter-colonial exchange based within in a world-systems framework. However, I am still in the beginning stages of my data collection and am not sure how its going to turn out this summer.

Basically I am try to gather data on historic ceramics collections from sites that date roughly from 1600-1800 that have been previously reported.  I am trying to gather as much info from around the Caribbean to develop data tables for modeling through statistical analysis.

So please keep me in mind if it looks like you get enough interest for the symposium.

Also if you know of any reports or databases that could help me please please email me.  

Dan Hughes

-- Marco Meniketti <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
A symposium for SHA

The Caribbean and Colonies of North America: Maritime Links in the Chain
of Commerse.  (Working Title)

I am in the process of organizing a symposium for the SHA conference at
Williamsburg. The objective is to assemble related papers exploring issues
of Atlantic economy connecting peripherey to periphery in the world system
context. Papers concerning plantation settlement, inter-colonial exchange,
communication networks of Europeans or Africans, and papers addressing
Maritime archaeology are especially welcome.
A second goal is to presenta framework for comparative studies focused on
trade and development along colonial corridors.

If interested, have questions or suggestions, please contact me in the
next two weeks.

Thank you,

Marco Meniketti, Ph.D., RPA
Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Caribbean Archaeology
125 San Carlos Ave.
El Cerrito, CA 94530
[log in to unmask] 

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