Donald Satz wrote:

>BWV 53 - This programmed aria is just one movement of a larger mourning
>cantata.  The music is gorgeous and quite elegant, and Muller-Bruhl
>invests it with a comfortable pacing that "fits like a glove".  Those
>not familiar with this aria will likely be surprised at Bach's use of
>bells, a device he rarely employed in his compositions.

As a lover of this music who has collected "Schlage doch" in particular
for many decades beginning in the late 1960s when a wonderful and eccentric
NYC DJ played the Roessl-Majdan/Scherchen recording five times consecutively
on the radio, I am appreciate to Don for calling this recording to my

I have a Yahoo group devoted to this cantata by Georg Melchior Hoffman
to whom currently it is generally ascribed.

I believe that I have uploaded there 12 recordings of this cantata
with bells.  There are at least two more which I only have on LPs which
is beyond my limited technical abilities to digitize.  The uploaded
recordings are about equally divided between female altos/ mezzos and

I generally abhor textless CDs but as this is Naxos and cheap, I guess
we can forgive the situation.

Best wishes,