Donald Satz wrote:

>Music can certainly enhance one's enjoyment of a film and make more
>meaningful the messages conveyed by the film, but no music can make a
>poor movie into a good one.

Agreed.  However I find all too often that music can ruin what may have
been a watchable movie, like a laugh track can ruin a Sit-Com.

I find music is most often used to force emotions in most movies, good
and bad.  I would rather a movie allow me to react in my own way, rather
that having it imposed by music.  In general I find it overused and more
recently too loud relative to dialog.  For the most part I would rather
have NO music in movies, except for those like The Red Violin, The Red
shoes or A Clockwork Orange all of which have music as integral part of
the story.

Bill Blank (Celtic studies and numismatics)
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