Richard Todd wrote:

>Vaughan Williams wrote a handful of operas.  Shostakovich wrote two.
>Schubert wrote a whole bunch, but they've never made it into the repertoire.
>Weber wrote a couple of symphonies.  Nielsen wrote at least two operas.
>Haydn wrote some operas.  Mozart, of course.  I'm sure there are others.
>By the way, if you want to get your feet wet in Prokofiev operas, I'd
>suggest that the Fiery Angel is his masterpiece in the genre.  If you
>look hard enough you can even find a good video production of it on a
>now discontinued Philips VHS.

I intended to respond to some of the posts in a single reply, quoting
from various responses but that is proving too difficult and therefore
I shall respond several times unless Dave decides to make a single post
of my replies.

Yes, I am aware of The Nose (never heard it).  I do like Lady Macbeth
which I have seen in Petr Weigl's DVD of it.  I shall not say much on
that right now.

I am not a VW fan and I have heard some of the Schubert operas.  To me
they are not what Schubert was so profound and great at.

Thank you for the Fiery Angel recommendation.  I shall indeed follow
that up.  Much appreciated, Todd.
