On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 14:12:58 -0500, Eric Brown <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your point, but it sounds like you're saying
>that almost all honey is the same, that there's no qualitative difference
>between the honey or between the practices of most beekeepers

Was I really that unclear? You ARE misunderstanding my point. I always try
to be clear, but also brief. I am NOT talking AT ALL about supermarket honey
that's been over-heated, over-filtered, blended and ruined. 

I am talking about beekeepers that produce and market their own honey, many
of whom I know. They produce a very good quality product and it pains me no
end to hear people say their honey is inferior to so-called "organic" honey. 

Look, there is simply no real proof that "organic" honey is any better than
regular honey. BUT if people want to buy it for whatever reason, I have no
problem with that! Use it as a selling point, that's fair!

My point is simple: Why can't you sell your honey without saying your
neighbor's honey is crap? Especially when he is following all the rules,
which are designed to ensure that honey is not contaminated. 

If you want to say you don't treat your bees with chemicals, fine. But it is
simply untrue and unfair to say that beekeepers who are using chemicals
according to the label, are producing an inferior product.

The market for organic food is limited, so most producers aim for the
regular market. There are laws to keep the food supply safe. Most of us are
doing the best we can. We ALL try to avoid dangerous chemicals!

There is simply no good reason to persuade customers that non-"organic" food
is poisonous. People the world over eat it their whole lives and live to be
80 & 90 years old. 


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