mark berninghausen wrote:
>So, Harvey, How do we get that bee? 

I would say, there are good bees available. They are not mite-proof bees, so
therefore one has to keep them going strong one way or another. Whatever way
one can, in my opinion. But you won't get it by beating the woods for
escaped swarms that probably came off some truckload from Florida or
Southern California or who knows where. I say start with good stock and make
it better by raising queens from it. Making nucs is not that hard to do and
if one makes them strong enough, they can raise their own queens if one
doesn't have the time or know-how to do it by grafting. A strong 4 or 5
frame nuc can self-requeen and easily build up during the summer. By making
as many nucs as you handle, you can better maintain a steady number, should
many hives go down in the fall. One doesn't need special equipment, they can
be made in normal single story hives. 

H. Abeille

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