The stories about AHB are becoming a little scary.

We have read in this forum, about apiary workers having to run 50 ft in one direction and 50 ft back then jumping into their truck and closing the doors in order to avoid to avoid stings when they remove their veils, 

We have heard about incidents of finding dead rodents and dead birds killed by bees,  Bees that attack smokers, bees that attack if not smoked.  AHB in small cell hives as well as regular cell hives. It has some resonance with the Alfred Hitchcock movie about birds.   True, most of this bee inflicted violence has occurred in the so called "red states" but there is probably not a political motive behind the problem. (joke)

I would like to hear from secretaries of Southern bee clubs to learn how many "hobby" bee keepers have persisted in the face of the threat of multiple stings, how many have been deterred from continuing.  What enrollment or participation changes have occurred since the advent of AHB in the sunny southland. 

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