I think I can suggest what artisanal honey is probably not...

Its not mass extracted (any super from any season or any bee yard) , 
high moisture honey which is heated and packed in a plastic honey 
bear with a less then proffessional looking label applied and priced at 
the same price as the major packers. Its probably not sold in drums 
either to a packer.

IMO most beekeepers in the USA put little effort into the honey their 
bees produce.  The mentality is extracting must be done as quickly as 
possible and the larger the volume per day  processed the better..that 
kind of honey has a label too... its called a commodity, most 
commodities are plentiful in supply and low in value or price.

To think that  a beekeeper has little influence on the production and 
subsequent processing of honey is IMO really quite simplistic and 

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