You may all remember my post about my client whose daycare was feeding her
less than 3 month old infant 24 oz of expressed breastmilk a day, and
insisting that the baby needed to eat hourly or was miserable.  I thought
I'd post an update.  Armed with some info from me (and many of your
suggestions) this mom approached her daycare center's director.  The
director was unaware of the situation, and promised to spend a day observing
in the classroom.  The director spent the day with the infant and realized
that many of his cues that he was tired and needing assistance to rest were
being interpreted as hunger instead.  She helped the classroom teacher work
out ways to comfort this baby instead, and to allow him the rest he needs. 
The mom reported to me yesterday that the infant is now taking about 12-16
oz per day, napping regularly, and crying very little at daycare according
to the providers.  He is making up by nursing a lot more at home (which the
mom is happy to accomodate) and she has noticed as a benefit that her milk
supply is staying robust due to his frequent feeds.

So, at least for now, all is going well and the mom is pleased with the way
the situation turned out.

Jennifer Tieman
Family Physician
Mom to 4, including my nursling Caroline Rose, age 2 1/2


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