This is a response to a response to a posting ...  kind of like looking
in mirrors facing each other on opposite sides of a room.  

Bernard Chasen responds to Larry Sherwood:

>>Beethoven died of lead poisoning.
>I think that there is room for agnosticism.  The experimenters did the
>only thing they were equipped to do: analyze hair and fragments of remains
>for abundance of various elements.  We accept a diagnosis from your
>doctor based only on the elements in your hair?

It should be noted that this chemical analysis of lead poisoning was
coupled with the knowledge that Beethoven drank from a favoured lead
cup.  While not 100% conclusive, it presents evidence strong enough
to convince most juries or at least the ones portrayed on TV's Law and
Order.  Add to this the 19th century corporate-conspiracy theory of wine
laced with lead to make it taste like fine-aged vintages posited by
Nicholas J.  Yasillo and we have ourselves a lead-pipe (I mean lead-cup)
cinch that Beethoven was lead belly.

Ain't science wonderful?

Bill Cutler