Bert Bailey wrote:

>This 3-movement, 15-minute work was composed in 1923, not long after
>Martinu arrived in Paris for lessons with Albert Roussel.  His 2-movement
>String Trio of 1934, H238, was so called as his earlier composition was
>known to have vanished in the '20s after being performed in Paris and
>Prague.  Correct me if I'm wrong (Christine, Steve, Richard?) but, to
>the best of my knowledge, this is his first work in the genre, and there
>is no Third String Trio.

Quite true. The earlier one is on record as String Trio no1, H 136, but
 after two performances by members of the Ondricek Quartet in December 1923
 in Paris, I think, and in February 1924 in Prague, all trace of it was
 lost. I was pleased to listen here as
 you suggested. From the snippets we hear, to my ears, there is a definite
 French influence  - Roussel himself and Debussy, Ravel, most probably. It
 would be interesting to hear the whole piece just to see how much the
 typical Martinu sound is also there...

The Czech Martinu site has already listed the whereabouts of the manuscript
 lost and found.

To most of you, it must already be familiar, but I mention it as it is a
 very informative site for Martinu lovers:
=2Ephp Click on 'Bohuslav Martinu' if you just wish to find the link to the
 online caatalogue, often with comments if you then click on the works.

The leader of the Kocian Quartet, Pavel Hula, violin, and two members of the
 Prazak Quartet, Josef Kluson, viola and the admirable Michal Kanka, cello,
 brought out a wonderful disc recorded in 2001 which bears the title "Duos
 and Trio for strings (complete set). P.E. Barbier, author of the
 liner-notes, does mention the lost Trio, but of course it is not there. It
 remains an excellent, quite exciting recording and those who haven't heard
 it might like to try: Praga PRD 250 155

>I  know I'm not alone in hoping to hear it [Trio no1] recorded soon.

Right again ;-)

Christine Labroche