I am heartened to see several physicians (whether pediatricians or not)
posting on Lactnet. Thank you so much for all your input and your positve 
suppport of breastfeeding and mothers.

As a lactation consultant (as well as a LDRP nurse), I work with 
physicians from birth forward. It is often so difficult to work o hard 
with a mother and baby (to get the breastfeeding off to a smooth start), 
only to have it undermined by physicians with minimal training (or 
interest). It never ceases to amamze me how little information (or 
accurate information) these physicians have on the breastfeeding process.

Now I know that we all have our interests and our area(s) of expertise. 
However, as health care providers working with childbearing women , we all 
have to have a basic working knowledge of lactation; especially if we are 
going to encourage, promote and support breastfeeding. 

As physicians, could you give me some feedback on this and help those of 
us working with "undereducated" physicians (as well as nurses) to 
encourage lactation education among our physician colleagues. There are 
just so many times that we short-change our mothers and babies and it 
seems that we could be doing things to improve this situation. 

Thanks. I do not mean for this topic to have a negative tone. I am always 
looking for ways to assist our colleagues so that we are all on roughly 
the same page when it comes to breastfeeding support.

Betsy Riedel RNC, IBCLC


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