
> Those who think the main/only problem would be the end of the backyard
> beekeeping got it right, No urban beekeeping is possible. And that
> prevents beekeeping for a large amount of small land
> owners, which is really bad.

That is my biggest concern about working with the bees I do _ AM
Capensis. My apiary is in the country 120 kms away and I only get to
work my girls on the w/end. If I need/want to manipulate any hives I
must go out on a Friday so I have at least 2 days to monitor and then I
must leave them alone for a week, which can be worrying if you are
re-queening. I can't do the work in my backyard even though I have my
neighbors approval - it is just not responsible beekeeping and we have
enough "urban legends" to contend with.Maximum sting count so far - @20
and that was removing a feral colony which I doubt anyone would do
without protection no matter what bees you are handling.
But, yes as you say Joao, one can still sit next to the hives and breath
that wonderful sweetness that flows from the hives so long as you don't
disturb the girls - pity I can't do it from my back door !!
Maybe I need to move my back door ????


Peter McMahon
Western Cape
South Africa

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