Many agricultural pesticides are intended for use only outdoors, as they break down or "photodegrade" with exposure to sunlight.

Some time ago I remember reading about a scam where people were paying others to take and pass a state pesticide exam, then setting themselves up as exterminators. A few of them were found to have used agricultural pesticides indoors, which lead to some health hazards because the pesticides were not breaking down as intended, and lingering effects were a major concern. I recall that at least one home had to be demolished.

I believe the matter came to light when a woman whose home had been so treated noticed one evening that as a moth, attracted by the light in her home, flew in through an open door, it almost immediately dropped to the floor because of the presence of the pesticide used.

C. Crowell
Hightstown, NJ (no the incident didn't occur in NJ)

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