> Killing brood by the pin prick method is not a valid method in my
> opinion but can be done for a primitive test. The reason being the
> wound left by the pin releases an odor /signal for removal by the
> bees.

This argument was used when the knowledge about hygienic behaviour
was that the fenomena was controlled by 2-3 genes. We know today that
7 genes are involved. We don't really know what we are testing or
what we are not testing (by a pin/freezing test).

I know that the document I propose one should look at is in swedish,
but the graphs on pages 3 and 4 clearly shows that the results from
pin test and freezing test correlate. The pin test WILL DO. And it's
much faster, less labor intensive and makes possible to compute exact
numbers (comparable data).

Take a look at:


frysdödat = killed by freezing
nåldödat = killed by a pin
tid(timmar) = time(hours)
tomma celler = empty cells

Having the document on the screen, take a look at page 6 too. To get
"hygienic bees" takes time.


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