>>>I have heard it said more than once, by a prominent, now retired bee
scientist, that chalk brook and AFB will not be present in the same hive
at the same time; that chalkbrood suppresses AFB

Generally true, it is interesting that this comes up a couple of weeks
after I saw my first exception to the rule since Shim and Dave first
brought this factiod to the  beekeeping public's attention.  (Albany
County area, New York State, USofA) After this experience I think "Uncle
Shim-sama" would have expressed it with greater accuracy if he had said
same frame.  In fact, "same frame" might be the actual published
statement used, anyone with access to the paper?)  That was the case
here, it was either or, and apparently was the result of an AFB infected
Nuc frames being put into a super with active Chalkbrood infected drawn
combs last spring.  Who would have won out?  My "partner, the law," and I
didn't wait to see, I'm sure Shim would have probably been right in the
long haul.

>>>they have been (sic) told me that they have seen both AFB and CB
in the same hive

IMHO, You might want to re ask the question and this time ask how many
they have seen where both problems were active simultaneously? I think
you will get a very different answer. Old un removed Chalkbrood mummies
are "past the therapeutic stage" and AFB scale alone is not an active

>>>The agent found in chalkbrood that suppresses AFB was found to be the
fatty acid, linoleic acid.

H. Shimanuki and D. Knox worked on this for some time, as an AFB control,
but were unable to come up with a consistently reliable field delivery
system as I recall, on the lab bench it works great like so many other

Just another "silver bullet" that turned out to be only "silver plated"

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