Another woman pirate from the time of Elizabeth I was the Irish pirate
Grace O'Malley (1530-1603).

- Martha Stewart's inspiration, no doubt! -

A traditional song and greeting *"Oro, se do Bheatha 'Bhaile"*
("Oh-ro, shay dough Va-ha 'Wall-ya")  translates to "Hail, you are
welcome home" -

-And i always thought it meant "Yo Ho Ho, and a bottle of Captain Morgan!"

How: Essex County is across the Hudson River from North Creek, NY, in
Warren County, near Minerva, NY where there is a museum and also a
monument to Theodore Roosevelt, where he was when he became President
when President McKinley died eight days after being shot at the Pan
American Exhibition in Buffalo, NY. Nearby is Irishtown, a settlement
of Irish Americans and others. H got on the train in North Creek, NY.

"McKinley hollered, McKinley squalled,
The Doc says 'McKinley, I can't find that ball -'"

Tim T.
Pedantic Charlie Poole fan