Karl Miller:

>I am reminded of the backwards logic that invites symphony attendees
>to let the orchestra know what pieces they would like to hear performed.
>The real question is, what pieces would get the classical music lover
>who does attend to buy a ticket.

I assume you skipped a "not" in the last line.  Yes, that is what the
management really ought to know, but since those non-attendees are not
available to be surveyed--even more than non-voters--I should think that
the next best thing is to find out what those who do attend would rather
be hearing.  (A couple of days ago, by the way, I saw a car parked at
an art opening with a vanity license plate reading APATHY and a bumper
sticker reading "I'd rather be reading Bukowski.") If this resulted in
more interesting seasons, the non-attendees might show up.

Jim Tobin