Hello everyone:

I've been reading on and off your postings for 10 years. I have benefited 
greatly by your wisdom and so have the mothers I had the blessing of 
helping. Thanks to all of you for the wealth of information you have all 
shared all these years. I learn something everyday. This is my first post, 
and I feel clumsy stating my question so here it goes...

Today I was talking with a breastfeeding educator, just met her, about solid 
foods and the breastfed baby. She said that WABA had written a paper stating 
that breastmilk should be 70% of a baby's diet from 6-7 months, 55% from 
8-10 months and 40% from 11-12 months old. I have been an LC for 10 years 
and I have always thought breastmilk should be #1 in a baby's diet until the 
first year. I remember reading, dont remember where though, the breastmilk's 
percentage up to the first year to be near the 75%. Has someone read this 
WABA paper, has someone read other percentages to counter these? I know 
babies are different, and really percentages don't have to rule over a 
mother's intuition but many of my clients that wish to breastfeed more than 
a year have been greatly helped by breastfeeding first then offering solids 
and none of them (counting me) have given 60% of solids in the 11-12 months 
of age.

I'm also worried about the message mothers are going to receive when hearing 
these percentages from this counselor, which tells me at least, that solids 
are as and even more important than mothers milk before one year of age. 
What about those todlers that go for breastmilk only for periods of time, 
that are perfectly normal. Mothers will fret that their babies dont eat as 
much as this percentages say. What do you think? Please enlighten me:)

Warm regards,

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