The professor said, "Breast-feeding has become politicised. Instead of 
having a grown-up debate, we
assume that unless a woman breast-feeds, she is an irresponsible mother."

What I think more often happens is that, if a woman breastfeeds, or in any 
way lets it be known that she supports breastfeeding, others ASSUME that she 
thinks anyone who doesn't breastfeed is an irresponsible mother!  I wonder 
why this professor would think it was grown-up for him to make such a 
judgemental statement?

There is alot of tendency to take offense over such things, some on both 
sides.  There certainly are some mothers who feel smug and superior because 
of their ability to totally breastfeed, but I think they are very much in 
the minority.  There are women who are PROUD of their ablilty to do that, 
but that is not the same as feeling superior because of it.  There are also 
those of us who would love to have our babies totally fed at our breasts, 
and from our breasts, but have to settle for feeding EBM in a bottle, 
feeding at the breast, with a supplementer full of formula to round out what 
our babies need that our breasts don't provide, or some other set up that 
combines elements of both breast and bottlefeeding.  I have been overly 
sensitive over it, at times, myself, over my need to supplement my milk 



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