Mitch Friedfeld wrote:

>During a trip to Tower today, was very pleased to see the arrival of
>vol. 6 of the Kodaly Quartet's cycle of Schubert string quartets on

As a nearly total non sequitur, I was extremely pleased to find on my
last trip to the store that Naxos' high-priced brother, Marco Polo, has
finally continued the Spohr quartet series, releasing volumes 10 & 11
after a ten year hiatus.

>This was, I thought, the final disc in the series.  When I got home, I
>realized that Quartet No.  5 is not to be found on any of the six discs.
>So I have to ask: Is Schubert's SQ5 known by another name, like the 14th
>is called Death and the Maiden?

I don't believe so.  Here's a listing of the completed quartets, sorted by
Deutsch number:

   Quartet #1 in G minor, D. 18 (1811)
   Quartet #2 in C Major, D. 32 (1812)
   Quartet #3 in B Flat Major, D. 36 (1812)
   Quartet #4 in C Major, D. 46 (1813)
   Quartet #5 in B Flat Major, D. 68 (1813)
   Quartet #6 in D Major, D. 74 (1813)
   Quartet #10 Op. 125/1 in E Flat Major, D. 87 (1813)
   Quartet #7 in D Major, D. 94 (1812)
   Quartet Movement in C minor, D. 103 (1814)
   Quartet #8 Op. 168 in B Flat Major, D. 112 (1814)
   Quartet #9 in G minor, D. 173 (1815)
   Quartet #11 Op. 125/2 in E Major, D. 353 (1816)
   Quartet #12 "Quartettsatz" in C minor, D. 703 (1820)
   Quartet #13 "Rosamunde" Op. 29/1 in A minor, D. 804 (1824)
   Quartet #14 "Death and the Maiden" in D minor, D. 810 (1824)
   Quartet #15 Op. 161 in G Major, D. 887 (1826)

>The disc I bought today has SQ15, coupled with the five German dances;
>there would have been plenty of room on this disc for SQ5.  What about
>other ensembles' complete recordings of the Schubert SQs; do any of them
>extend to more than six discs?

Rarely.  The canonical set of 15 quartets (not including quartet fragments
and other works for string quartet) can actually be made to fit on 5
CDs.  Here are the complete sets available now that I know about:

    Vienna String Quartet on Camerata Records (6CDs)
    Leipzig Quartet on Dabringhaus & Grimm (9CDs)
    Vienna Konzerthaus on Preiser Records (5CDs)
    Melos Quartet on Deutsche Grammophon (6CDs)

The Leipzig set apparently strives to capture every performable fragment
and other works for string quartet, such as dances, minuets and so forth.

>Maybe I have another disc, containing SQ5, to look forward to;
>or maybe it's already out there.

Not on Naxos, as far as I can tell.  There are (at least) two individual
discs available containing Quartet #5:

    Schubert: Complete String Quartets Vol. 8 / Leipzig Quartet
    Dabringhaus & Grimm Gold 3070608

    Schubert: Quartette D 68, D 887 / Verdi Quartet
    Hanssler Classic  98334

So, it does look like you have at least one more release in the Naxos
series, and possibly a couple more coming.
