Bernard Chasan wrote:

>Well let's think about this.  I bought one and Ann bought one
>(unless she has a review copy) so the admittedly skimpy evidence
>suggests that the target audience is people on this list!!!  That
>makes sense- the audience for lieder is not exactly huge.For twenty
>bucks, the DVD and the Schumann alone are worth it., although
>I have high hopes for the SCHubert, Brahms, and Debussy.  I listened
>to the Ruckert Lieder last night- NOT a high point at all.  It does not
>touch Ferrier, and yet- worth hearing!!.So maybe lowbrow cheapskates are
>the target audience - I can handle that."


>And exactly who is the target audience?  The great ignorant masses?
>Just a bit patronizing, no?  As it turns out I am quite familiar with
>the lieder repertory, particularly Schubert, Wolf, Mahler.  I was
>pleased to acquire some DFD on the cheap-no regrets.  Certainly not
>worth all the Sturm und Drang."

What a lot of invective just because other people don't have the same
opinion as yourself.  Why get so uptight?  It's just a recording,.
Particularly as you haven't even listened as far as the Schubert, Brahms
and Debussy.  On the contrary, I believe most people aren't easily seduced
by marketing.  Indeed, many will be quite able to recognise that if they
really want to learn about Fischer Dieskau and the genre, they have
alternatives.  And as I said, some of the selections are very good -
especially the DVD, a first release.  The Sturm and Drang is entirely
on your part.

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