Mimi asked:

>But where is our profound musical 'home'?  Who are the composers we most
>turn to when we are feeling like we want to cleanse our tastebuds?  Which
>are the compositions we select when we need a good old pal, or want to
>renew ourselves after a very stressful time?  What is our own personal,
>guaranteed, tried-and-true feel-good music?  What are the pieces of music
>we have sought out more than five times in the last year?

An eclectic list of just a few of my personal musical elixirs:

   Monteverdi: Vespers of 1610
   Bach: The B-Minor Mass; the St. Matthew Passion; the Art of Fugue
   Mozart: Mass in C-Minor; Requiem; Symphony No. 41
   Schubert: String Quartet No. 14 in d; SQ No. 15 in G; Mass in A-flat
   Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 or Symphony No. 5
   Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 5; Tallis Fantasy
   Edmund Rubbra: Symphony No. 4; Symphony No. 6
   Rachmaninoff: All Night Vigil; Symphony No. 2
   Messiaen: Turangalila Symphony; Visions de l'Amen
   John Williams: Scores to The Empire Strikes Back; Superman; A.I.

John Proffitt
Houston, TX