Mimi Ezust

>But where is our profound musical 'home'?  Who are the composers we most
>turn to when we are feeling like we want to cleanse our tastebuds?  Which
>are the compositions we select when we need a good old pal, or want to
>renew ourselves after a very stressful time?  What is our own personal,
>guaranteed, tried-and-true feel-good music?  What are the pieces of music
>we have sought out more than five times in the last year?

Huummm.  That's a very interesting question.  But here are some of my
favorite home bases:

Rachmaninov: All Night Vigil, op. 37.
Brahms: Violin Sonatas and the Motet Schaffe in mir Gott ein rein Herz
Beethoven: Piano sonatas opp. 101 and 110
Britten: War Requiem
Ravel: String Quartet
Shostakovich: Piano trio no. 2
Richard Strauss: Death and Transfiguration, Four Last Songs
Debussy: Piano Preludes

I could probably list quite a few more, but these are some of the special
places that I can always find musical comfort.

Kevin Sutton