Looks like a typical saddle shield to me.
Common artifact found  in civil war era  sites
Back in the eastern states
Usual mfg of stamped brass sheet..
Kris Oswald

-----Original Message-----
From: HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
Marty Pickands
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 10:33 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Stump the Chumps

To me, it looks like a lock escutcheon for the type of lock most often
seen on luggage, which has a swinging hasp with a rectangular loop that
engages the lock mechanism.

Marty Pickands, New York State Museum

>>> [log in to unmask] 6/2/2005 6:49:29 PM >>>
Hey Everyone,

Ok, ok, we're stumped here! This artifact,
http://www.sricrm.com/histarch/badge.jpg was found during a survey
out in the desert of extreme southwestern New Mexico. It was found in
association with a possible rock ring and two to three pieces of SCA
(sun-colored amethyst) glass. The break to right below the opening
appears to be just that, a break. The drill holes in the upper right,
left, and bottom center appear to be original to the piece.

I have not handled the piece but all I can guess at this point is that
represents some sort of horse tack. Does anyone have a more intelligent
or informed interpretation? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Matthew A. Sterner, M.A., RPA
Senior Project Director
Statistical Research, Inc.
(520) 721-4309