"Then again, if there's a chance the bees will choose a less than
optimally aged larva there is also a chance the bees will choose an
optimally aged larva.  The thing is, chance is introduced when it need not
be."  A Morris

This goes to the question that I have about allowing colonies to produce
their own queens as in the case of banking queens or in the case of making
splits.  The question is, given a frame of eggs and at least some larvae
younger than three days, and some older than three days, what are the
chances the bees will choose the younger larvae to make queens, given the
obvious survival benefit to choosing younger larvae.  I would think this
would have been studied.  In my own very limited experience, when by
accident or design I have allowed a colony to make their own queen, I have
been pleasantly surprised at the result.  Is this just blind luck?
Steve Noble

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