OK Allen you asked for it. I'm a Gulf war Vet (disabled) who uses bees as
theripy for PTSD, and as a hobby, I enjoy Extractions and swarm capture,
while I work my bee I can't think of anything else 'cept what is going on
right in front of me. My doctor is very suportive of my bees as he finds
that I require less of the prescriptions that have been prescribed to me
for control of depression and sleeplessness. I sell very little of my
honey, if I do it is out the gate and I only ask for a donatation, I trade
honey for things I need or gift it to elders. In the way my wife and I
follow (indian-Blackfeet) a gift of food is a highly thought of gift. My
bees are my 'babies' I try to maintain a chemical free enviroment for them
using essential oils and natural products only. My honey is raw and just
warmed enough to flow easily and no more, about 120, then bottled.
I got started when we asked an elder beekeeper for a hive for pollination
of our small orchard, about a year later we found out he had a stroke and
was in a nurseing home. That hive died out and the next year a swarm took
over the empty box. I was at a lost  of what to do after asking a number
of people we know we found one that kept bees as a hobby and was willing
to maintain the hive on my property, a year after that he had to relocate
out of state for work and asked me  if I wanted his other five hives-Sure
why not said I-lost all six the first year  the next I bought 5-3lb
packages of Russians and started extractions, lost the russians and the
ferial colnies that i've got have been going strong. Have lost a few over
the winter and keep my colnies up thru extractions and swarm capture.
Almost at my limit now of 25 hives. I read BEE/L and also Beesource. both
have a wealth of info, subcribe to ABJ.
I'm always willing to try something new and experiment to try to make
something easier or more efficent.
My Girls keep my mind working.

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