--- Dee Lusby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>  Tim wrote:
> Even big cattlemen use imported semen, etc..
 --- Dee Lusby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Reply:
Guess it depends upon what part of the USA you are
in....don't really see it out here on the big ranches,
or maybe I am missing something, and watching
something else when in the field! :>)

Actually, according to my understanding, the cattlemen
do use special breeding in their herds.  They keep
track of the progeny of their bulls, cull the ones
that don't produce the traits they want <like rapid
growth on minimal feed> < lean beef and not high fat
beef>, and keep the ones that do.  They use artificial
insemination to try to produce these super bulls that
they can then introduce into the herds.

That's kind of what you did with your bees Dee, if I
understand your breeding efforts correctly.  You kept
the queens that produced the resistant strains you
wanted that still kept the other good traits, and
destroyed the queens that were susceptable to the mite
pressures that were placed on them.  Correct me if I
am wrong here.


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