Dave Lampson kindly sent me a recording of Michael Ponti's Vox performance
of Henselt's Op. 2 Etudes, and I found the comparison with the Piers
Lane recording rather interesting.  Major differences abound between the
two, and they revolve around matters of tempo, tension, poignancy, and
rhythmic flow.

Ponti is consistently quicker than Lane, taking only 25 minutes to
traverse the 12 Etudes as compared to Lane's 31 minutes.  Lane's slower
pacing is particularly advantageous in the poignant and tender pieces,
while Ponti tends to gloss over the emotional content.  Ponti does scores
points with much more tension and drama than Lane, giving the music
a dangerous appeal.  Concerning rhythmic flow, Ponti displays greater
lift with sharper phrasing; Lane favors the flow of silk.  As for sound
quality, Lane's recent recording easily bests the brittle sound afforded

Overall, I find the Lane and Ponti approaches equally valid and rewarding.
Lane's emphasis is on the smooth line, beauty, and playful nature of the
music, while Ponti highlights rhythmic vitality and drama.  You can't
go wrong with either recording, but the Ponti is part of a 2-cd Vox set
that is difficult to find at a reasonable price.  It is available from
Amazon for over $35.

Don Satz
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