Karl Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I find a listing of the recording on a Columbia LP ML 4640.  According
>to the bibliographic citation, it was recorded in 1951.  OCLC does not
>list a CD transfer of it, however, I would guess it could be obtained
>from dealers of second hand recordings.

A listmate elsewhere has written me the following:

   "The Prades and Perpignan festival recordings were issued as a series
   of Columbia LPs, from the infancy of tape recording.  I have a small
   collection of those LPs, spottily.  Fortunately they've been issued
   more recently on CDs: Pearl 167, 168, 174, 175, 200, 201, and 202.
   http://www.pavilionrecords.com/ "

The Pearl website offers little in the way of detail. A friend has written
to a contact at Pearl to see whether the Tourel is included in any of these.
Thanks for your information and your several responses.
