Karl Miller writes:

>>In my class in contemporary music, taken by most of the composition
>>majors, I had them listen to...Penderecki (at that time he was still
>>avant garde), Boulez, Stockhausen, Pousseur, Berio et al.  ...  I doubt
>>the person on the street these days, would be able to name any composer.
>>Similarly, it seems like we don't have icons anymore.

Jon Gallant responds:

>Karl's list of avant garde composers tells us precisely why the general
>public no longer pays any attention to serious music, and why even the
>music-loving public stays away in droves from any concerts involving
>music by what was formerly termed "the avant garde".  Thanks loads Pierre,
>Karl-Heinz, Henri, and Luciano, not to mention al.

There is a very large volume of contemporary music which is "serious
music", which is not "easy listening" any more than Beethoven is "easy
listening", but is approachable in a way that the avant garde of forty
years ago is not.  It tends to get overlooked by the public.

A few names out of many: George Tsontakis, Ingraham Marshall, Alfred

I would further recommend that listers give a try to some of the Naxos
"twenty first century" series.

Bernard Chasan