Hello, I am in the planning stage of building a new honey packing facility.
I have a permit from the Health Dept. but the person I am working with
knows nothing about bees or honey. The inspector is trying to inspect my
entire operation and does not asked me to change things anywhere from the
syrup tank (doesn't like that it is outside the building and has taken
samples from my syrup), feeding pollen outside in the open, empty bee boxes
in the yard etc.
Does anyone know where I can get information to show that these things are
common practice in beekeeping? I live in Northwest Arizona and can't find
any information on the rules and regulations for packing honey in AZ.

The health inspector does not understand that keeping bees and honey
packing will be two separate operations. Please help!!!

Johnny Cox

-- Visit www.honeybeeworld.com/BEE-L for rules, FAQ and  other info ---