I definitely agree that the mother should contact the airlines, in advance, 
and tell them that she plans to be trying to take frozen human milk with 
her.  I would have not thought it would be much of a concern, before 2001, 
but I am afraid it may well be, now.

I would politely ask this mom if she might consider taking her baby with 
her, if you haven't all ready.  Sometimes women have preconcieved ideas 
about traveling with a breastfed baby.  My son, Thomas, and I were proof 
that if one has a will, it can be managed.  We were stationed in Germany 
when we adopted him, and carted him all over Europe.  He had been in 9 
different countries by the time he was 6 months old.  I did this, while also 
having to find ways to clean and prepare Lact-Aids and mix formula 
supplement.  Since ice was pretty difficult to find, in most of Europe, it 
was even a bit trickier than when I later traveled in the USA, with nursing 
adopted babies, but I found ways to do it, and Thomas stayed healthy and 
happy, throughout, and charmed many people we came in contact with!  
Compared to that, travelng with a baby who does not need additional feeding 
paraphernalia sounds fairly simple, to me!  I would encourage the mom to 
take a sling and have a great time!  Actually, it is possible that she 
doesn't really want to leave her baby behind, but has others telling her 
that she needs to have time to be with her husband, with no baby.  She might 
even be thankful to have someone give her "permission" to take her baby with 
her, and assure her that there willl be ample time to travel with no baby, 
in the future!



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