Dear Ali:

I'm a LLL Leader in Boston who also happens to work at a school of public
health and am the database manager for a study looking at arsenic exposures
in Bangladesh, where betel nuts and leaves are also commonly used (the
study asks questions about betel nut usage).  One of the doctoral students
involved in the project was kind enough to give me the two websites listed
below which have information on betel nuts/leaves/juice.  The Harvard Med
School site does NOT recommend that pregnant moms use this item because of
a risk of birth defects and spontaneous abortion.  Also, since it is a
stimulant and potentially toxic, I'm sure that I would tell a mom who
called me about it that it was possibly and perhaps probably not safe to
use while breastfeeding and when in doubt, to err on the side of caution.

Here are the quotes from the graduate student:

1.  "Here is the direct link to information
regarding toxicity from the Harvard Medical School-

This breaks down all the "known" evidence regarding health effects, dosage
and specifically talks about using it as a supplement. You will also see
that chewing betel nut is not recommended for nursing or pregnant moms."

2.  "the best website I've found is:

If you scroll through the site, he actually includes some good
references/resources. It would be a good place to start."


Lastly, have you checked the latest version of Hale's "Medications and
Mother's Milk"?  He has started including herbs in his listings and he may
have an entry for it.

Best of luck!  Janna Frelich
Co-leader, LLL of Boston

On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 16:09:03 -0500, Ali Crehan Feeney <

<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear Friends,
>I have searched the archives as well as my own reference materials but have
>not found what I am seeking. A search on the web has left me with more
>questions than answers.
>I am looking for information regarding betel juice, newborns and nursing
>mothers. I am unfamiliar with its use and do not know when it is or is not
>appropriate. I live and volunteer in an area with a significant Indian
>immigrant population; this topic came up in passing conversation, and I
>realized that I didn't have enough knowledge to answer even the most basic
>of questions!
>If any Lactnetters could share their experiences with me, I'd be grateful.
>Many thanks,
>Ali Crehan Feeney
>Quincy, MA
>(volunteer breastfeeding counselor with BACE-NMC)
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