Nancy Wight writes:  "Extremely preterm infants have very limited immune 
systems and can easily be
overwhelmed by a large exposure to bacteria or virus, despite the wonderful 
antibodies in mother's milk. (eg the CMV issue)  If the infant is a "premie 
grower" and stable, we don't worry about it.  If the infant is 500-1000 gms, 
<28 weeks, still on a ventilator, etc. we consider the risks versus the 
benefits and occasionally will have Mom pump and dump for 2-3 days, until 
she is feeling
better and has a good antibiotic level in her bloodstream."

Would it be possible for this Mom to pump and freeze her milk .... perhaps 
for use months from now?  I just can't bear the notion of asking a mother to 
DUMP her milk.

Liz Brooks, JD, IBCLC
Wyndmoor, PA, USA


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